School Rules & Regulations

“In Education technology can be a life-changer, a game changer, for kids who are both in school and out of school.”


1. Admission can be done Offline or Online.

2. Process of Online Admission :

Students those who are taking admission through online mode they are required to take admission by filling Online form with required documents. Need to pay 1st Installment of fees for provisional admission in school through Online mode only.

Every student is also required to fill the admission form in physical/ Offline with the remaing installments for final admission process of the academic year though student have filled online provisional form.

3. Process of Offline Admission :

I. For New Admission

  •  For admission enquiry parents have to sign in at school entrance gate.
  •  After that parents have to fill the enquiry slip in school waiting area.
  •  After that parents can meet School admins for admission enquiry.
  •  Once enquiry is done, they can scrutinize school environment with respective escort.
  •  Students have to go through basic entrance exam of respective class.
  •  Parents have to fill admission form and admission slip with required document.

Required documents are:

(A) Original Documents:

1. Passport size 3 photos of the child.

2. Municipal birth certificate of the child. (Only for 1st std)

3. Medical certificate (compulsory in case of disability)

4. Transfer certificate (TC) and Report Card – In case of admission of higher grades (previous year)

5. Post dated cheques

(B) Photo copy Documents:

1. Proof of ID( both parents) Aadhar card.

2. Father’s Caste certificate.

(*Note : At least one parent must come for submission and verification of the printed form. Parents must bring the self attested copy.)

II. For existing students:

  • In the last week of December admission slip will be given to existing students in their notice folder, which has to be filled by parents with required documents.

Documents :

1. 2 Passport size photos of student.

2.  Photo copy of student’s Adhar card.

3. Post dated cheque.

Fees Payment and Withdrawal  :-

1.  Fees Payment are avaiable in online and offline mode.

2. For Offline payment options are; Part-Time payment (in installments through 10 Posted Dated Cheques)  Or One-Time payment (One-Time Posted Dated Cheque/ One-Time Full Cash.)

3. For Online payment avaiable options are; RTGS/ G-Pay/ Phone Pay/ PatTM/ any other way)

(*Note: Concessions avaiable during COVID 19 crisis, for One Time Payment and for siblings )

4. If a child has to be withdrawn from school before September, parents are requested to give one calendar months’ notice in writing, failing which, one month’s fee will be charged in lieu therefore. Exceptions may be made in case of a sudden transfer of Government or Military Personnel.

5. Those who leave the school after the month of September must in all cases have to pay the full fees for the year.

Fees related rules:

  • The parents who have opted for part time payment (in installments through cheques) have to make sure that the cheque should not get bounce. In case cheque returns back from the bank fine of Rs. 250/- will be taken.
  • In case of cheque bounce parents have to pay that amount in cash at the Cash Counter No.1 which is in college premises, within 5 days along with the fine of Rs.250/- or else the late penalty will be charged i.e.    Rs. 10/- per day.
  • Issue of report card and school leaving certificate of the student is subject to clearance of all dues.

Admission Cancellation: –

1. Leaving / Transfer Certificate will be issued only after all sorts of clearance.

2. Students can be asked to leave the school on the following grounds: –

a. Disciplinary

b. Unsatisfactory progress in work..

3. Students should read the Circulars/ Notices/ Messages regularly. The School will not be responsible for loss of communication to the students due to any negligence on the part of the student.

Attendance: –

1. All academic activities are necessary components of the curriculum. The attendance and participation of each student will be reviewed by the teaching faculty from time to time.

2. Every student is required to attend school regularly. The student having an attendance below 75-80% will not be permitted to appear for the examination.

Examinations: –

1. Every student is required to attempt all the examinations. Re-exams will not be conducted.

2. In case of medical concern, medical certificate is expected and to be submitted immediately to the Exam controller. After verification the final decision will be of the Exam controller.

3. While Online Examination, always camera must in switched on mode. Any student switching off his/her camera will be immeditaly removed from the exam by the invigilator.

4. It is mandatory that one parent have to remain present with their child in every examination.

5. Answersheets of the Examinations to be sumbitted in school in given time after examinations with proper bundling with Student name, roll no, exame name, class, section, and subject name. The School will not be responsible for loss of papers of the students due to any negligence on the part of the student. Late Submission will not be allowed.

6. Every student is required to submitt NoteBooks/ TextBooks/ Worksheets/ Projects/ Practicals for evalutations whenever asked be subject teachers. All the text books and note books should be covered & labelled properly. Only properly labelled books will be checked by the teachers


1. Every student is required to create gmail Id by their name for online classes which must same through the year.

2. Parents have to give their updated Mobile Number for Communication and What’s App number for Online classes which must be same throught the year.

3. Parents are required to furnished the information if their any change in Contact number and Email Id. If failed to notify, the School will not be responsible for loss of communication to the students due to any negligence on the part of the parent.

4. The School maintains strict discipline and expects rules to be followed by every student in the Online Schooling. Students must obey the instructions of the School Head. Students found violating the rules of the School administration or behaving in an undisciplined manner  he/she will be suspended for week from class and Management reserved the right to take action on that particular student.

5. Every student is expected to maintain a high standard of behaviour and manner of speech.

6. Every student is required to sit on table and chair with proper posture during online classes. While online classes cameramust be On compulosrily. Parents have to make sure that there should be proper network connectivity to avoid disturbance in class.

7. Every student is expected to wear decent dress with simple hairstyle (for girls) and simple/decent haircut. (for boys)

Online Class rules for Students:-

1. Always start your meeting/class from the link given in your Google Classroom for respective subjects and not from any other site/server.

2. All the students are required to join meeting/class at the scheduled time given by the school in Time-Table.

3. The host teacher will lock the meeting room after 10 minutes from the scheduled time of the class and no body will be permitted to join thereafter.

4. It is mandatory to mute microphone/speaker of the smartphone or laptop so that all the participants can hear the host teacher properly.

5. It is mandatory to keep cameras in switched on mode. Any student switching off his/her camera will be immeditaly denied access by the host teacher.

6. Due to any technical issues if the teacher ends the meeting before the ending time then click on the same meeting linkband join the meeting/class.

7. No student will be sharing their screen or messaging in personal during meeting/class and if found then the host teacher will take immediate action against him/her.

8. No student shall share the Class-Code/ Class-link with any one. If found then the School Management will take immediate action against him/her.

9. Every students are requested to sit in separate room or in calm place to avoid disturbance in the class.

10. Every students are requested that preferably use WIFI for better connectivity.

11. Students are always required to keep their phone charged before the class and exams so that battery doesn’t get used up.

12. Viewing videos is complulsory and sitting in the live class/doubt clearing session without watching the vedio will be not acceptable by the subject teacher. The teacher reserves the right to take a disciplinary action.

13. If student have any doubt or have any question then do raise their hand from the chat options or wait for their turn.

General Guidelines /Rules for Parents:-

1. Parent- Teacher meeting time:

Meeting time with the Principal: 2nd Saturday only, from time 11.00 am – 01.00 pm sharp.

(*Note : A parent has to take prior appointment for meeting with the Principal)

Meeting time with Teachers: 2nd Saturday only, from time 11.30 am – 01.30 pm sharp.

2.  Process of  Online Appointment: 

Parent have to drop the mail on the given below Mail Id and have to appointment through online mode. Reason need to mention for meeting with the Principal.

Mail us at – jajooschool@gmail.cm     

3. Process of Offline Appointment:

Every parent is required to fill the visitors slip which is on the school gate with the school gate keeper for on time appointment also required mention reason in the same.

4. Process of Online Complaint Registration:

Every parent is required to fill Grievance eform for any sort of complaint/ request / development suggestion for school. Clearly mention your child’s name, class and section.

5. Link for Grievance efrom is avaiable on our school website in the Menu -> PARENT GUIDLINES tab by the name “GRIVANCE FORM 2021-22 for JEMS & WKM”

6.  Parents can meet the Principal and teachers during visiting hours only.

“Success is nothing more than a few simple Disciplines, practiced Every Day.”