Hybrid Mode of Education:

We have our own digital library of pre recorded video lectures from our experienced faculties. More than 5000 hours of digital content of all classes is used to give students a better understanding of the subject

Laboratories We Have :

The English Lab :- Children learn through Concept based activities, Vocabulary games, Phonics teaching aids, Audio based learning for better pronunciation, Reading skills, Writing skills,Group Activity etc.

The Math Lab :- Children practically learn the concepts of mathematics with Concepts based activities such as Fraction board, bead material, Geo-solids, Large number card activity, Change game and many more.

The Science Lab :- Live experiments on scientific projects, Various Models, Research Information and Journals, Various scientific apparatus etc.

The Computer Lab :- The Computer Lab is equipped with the latest equipment and we are in collaboration with Niit. Children become computer certified professionals along with their schooling. State of the art multimedia technology that is on par with the best in the corporate world is another great asset here.

The Library :- With more than 4500 books, journals, encyclopaedias etc.

The SMART Classrooms :  All classrooms are smart classes in JEMS. All teachers make excellent use of it and children experience live and interactive teaching.

Camera Monitored premises with 32 cameras installed in the entire school premises.

Digital Quiz Room : To become competitive, Interactive Quiz is taken weekly using remotes. Each student of the class answer using his personalized remote and is evaluated on the spot.

Sports and Games :

Physical Education forms an integral part of the school curriculum. It puts the child firmly on the track of physical and mental growth. It also develops in them a respect for fair play, sportsmanship and team spirit. Training in indoor and outdoor sports is in the hands of highly qualified coaches known for their professionalism. Taekwando, Football, Fencing, Volley ball, Speed ball, Yoga, Carrom, Chess etc. are being played with all equipments on the school ground itself. 

Hobby Clubs :

“All study and no play,

Makes jack a dull boy!”

For students recreation, school has created various hobby clubs which is compulsory for all students. Students select any one hobby for them and explore new skills. Warli Painting, Drawing, Madhubani Art, Canvas Painting,Music, Handwriting, Reading, Dancing etc. are being taken.

 Jajoo Sports Academy:

        After school sports facility is also provided for children who have keen interest in sports and are passionate about playing.

Co- Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activity:

At Jajoo School, other than the competitive exams such as Olympiads, Mental Maths, Homi Bhabha etc, the hidden talents of a child is nurtured and showcased richly to inspire and instill greater self-confidence. Inter-Class and Inter-House Competitions are held on a regular basis in dramatics, music, elocution, (English, Hindi and Marathi), Digital quiz, sports,    IT-related activities, essay competitions, spelling and art exhibitions amongst others. Students  of our school have been the proud recipients of many prizes at several inter-school competitions.

Social uplift :  

Jajoo School believes in service to society as this should be the mission of every human being. Various events are conducted every year for fund raising and all the funds are donated to various NGO’s as charity from our students.

Transportation :

Transportation facilities are available for students residing in the city and suburbs. Drivers and conductors have sole responsibility for their respective routes and they are passionately committed to ensuring the safety of the children entrusted to their care.

“Make our Experience your Advantage”